
为期一年的第一年课程旨在帮助一年级学生从大学预科到大学生活的过渡. Simply put, we want to improve your chances of succeeding and staying in college.

学生行话网站- www.studentlingo.com/lincoln

Check out these interactive on-demand workshops, brought to you by Student Lingo. 行动计划和额外的资源在每个研讨会结束时提供,以帮助您实现您的学术目标. 在任何有网络和电脑的地方观看这些30分钟的工作坊, 白天或晚上! 在线研讨会包括每周绘画、作品集和学期结束时的Kindle绘画.  点击此处查看传单.

The primary goals of the First Year program are to…

  • 提供 a common learning experience through the First Year Experience (FYE 101) 课程, 如何解决新生面临的挑战,并让学生熟悉全球十大外围足球平台提供的机会.
  • 提供 Intrusive and Appreciative Advisement to all first year students through consistent contact with your academic advisor, which also serves as your FYE 101 课程 instructor.  Each FYE 101 section is assigned a 同行的导师 to help your transition to collegiate life be a smooth as possible.
  • 通过丰富的课堂阅读和讨论,为学生提供提高与大学课程相关的必要批判性思维技能的机会, 新生大会, 大学的考试, and other co-curricular activities/programs.
  • 在您的住宿生活环境中提供课外学习机会 Residential 学习ing Communities to build strong bridges between the academic and student affairs.  Interact with the faculty at the 主要的搅拌机 to learn more about how the academic departments and majors can help you reach your goals.  了解更多关于 金融知识 and how to make the most of using school loans to pay for your education.
  • Promote the development of values aligned with Lincoln's rich tradition and history.

The Freshman Year Program offers the First Year Experience,  这是一门3学分的课程,旨在解决新生面临的挑战,并让学生熟悉全球十大外围足球平台提供的机会.

Topics addressed in the 课程 include:

  1. 历史上黑人学院和大学的传统尤其是全球十大外围足球平台的传统,
  2. The academic programs available at Lincoln University,
  3. Development of social skills and academic skills for collegiate success,
  4. The rules and regulations governing campus conduct, and
  5. The support services available on campus.

学生将参加讲座, 演出, and convocations offered throughout the semester as the basis for class discussions.  Students will also participate in library 研究/computer literacy, 写作, 说话, 批判性思维. This 课程 will be taken in the freshman year and monitored by the Freshmen Year Program.  Access the full FYE 101 website.

FYE 101 Student 学习ing Outcomes:


  • Identify and demonstrate effective study techniques through quizzes and tests,
  • Describe significant events in the history of Lincoln University via group discussions,
  • 表现出适合当今大学生的令人满意的金融知识意识;
  • 进行图书馆研究并展示全球十大外围足球平台和技术能力;学生将被要求有效地访问, 研究 and obtain college resources and online sources; and prepare a written assignment.
  • 通过数字格式的书面和口头沟通进行有效的沟通,
  • Demonstrate critical thinking and problem solving skills,
  • 制定一个三个学期的学术计划,包括毕业所需的通识教育要求,
  • 通过建立一个网站来发布课程作业,并确认找到校园资源和支持服务地点的能力,从而展示技术能力,
  • Develop an awareness and appreciation for community service.

FYE 101 Required Course Materials

FYE 101课程的教材包括以下列出的在线材料/全球十大外围足球平台以及课堂上分发的材料.  The three PDF files below may also be downloaded onto  a smartphone, iPad (iBooks), 平板电脑, 或者其他小玩意.  还需要一个文件夹来保持所有材料的组织,并作为参与成绩的一部分带到每堂课.



我们的同伴教育者致力于帮助学生提高他们对毕业的追求.  The 同伴教育者 consist of:  同行的导师s, Peer Tutors, and Peer Wellness Coaches.  These educators demonstrate to the campus community how to be an exceptional student. They  set a goal  to be accepted into highly selective graduate and professional school,or to be fast-tracked into the highly competitive, 专业就业市场.

在每个财政年度101节, 有一名指定的同伴导师,在全球十大外围足球平台的前两年表现出学术和社交方面的卓越表现.  Their role is to assist the instructor with the operation of the 课程. 导师与每个学生一起工作,以确保他们从第一年的经历中获得最大的收获.  The mentors will monitor the FYE Study Sessions, 举办老板会议, 进行课堂教学, develop questions for class discussions and quizzes, facilitate 课程 Study Groups, organize the “Freshman of the Year” Program, 等.

同侪导师是在课程中表现优异且累积GPA为3分的大三和大四学生.3或以上.  这些学生与所有全球十大外围足球平台的学生一起工作,通过预约一对一的方式帮助他们完成特定的课程, 举办老板会议, staffing 主要的搅拌机 and 午夜注册派对, facilitating 课程 Study Groups and providing drop-in assistance to students as well.  Each of our tutors/mentors receive professional tutor and  peer advisement training.   

同伴健康教练为我们的一年级学生提供强调心理重要性的活动, body and spirit working together to improve student performance.  研究表明,当身体处于最佳状态时,学生在课堂上的表现会更好.  学生创建的网站通过文章、视频、调查等提供了丰富的知识. 赋予整个学生力量.


每个FYE 101学生必须完成至少五(5)小时的学习,由任何FYE 101同伴导师监督.  这些学习课程是用来让新生适应持续学习的必要性,为大学学术课程的严格要求做准备.   这些学习课程被纳入FYE 101课程,为FYE学生的学术卓越和成功打下基础. 这些课程将被计入101学年最终成绩的参与部分(40%)。. 这是一个有效的方法,使最终的FYE 101成绩提高,同时成为一个更好的学生.

Intriguing Topics and Experiences by Notable Scholars and Artists

全年, Lincoln University will host programs with world-renowned scholars, 驻校教员, and even Student Scholars-in-the-Making, 启发社区的主题,如:“走出你的壳:加入组织。," "The World is Yours and Study Abroad Can Make It Happen,”“非洲 & the Nile Valley Civilization" with Prof. 安东尼·布劳德《全球十大外围足球平台》 & Mainstream Media" with Solomon Comissiong, "An Evening with the Philly Pops Orchestra,还有更多!  出勤和随附的作业将被计算到最终FYE 101成绩的参与部分(40%)。.


Mingle and chat with faculty about the exciting departmental major/minor opportunities. 听取专家的第一手资料,了解每个专业需要什么,以及主修/副修专业如何帮助实现个人目标. Also talk to current student majors about their reasons for selecting a  major. Come with   questions ready for this informative affair. 全球十大外围足球平台rmation opportunities  highlighted are: graduate school, 奖学金, 实习, 职业和薪酬, 研究, 夏天浓缩, 旅行浓缩, 教师研究兴趣, 等.


At midnight of the first date freshmen are allowed to register, 新生宿舍的一年级学生聚集在一起,成为第一批进入并完成注册过程的学生.  课程很快就满了, 所以这些课程对学生来说是一种有趣的方式,帮助学生成为第一批注册下学期课程的新生. 同侪导师、同侪顾问、住校顾问和住校协调员将提供协助.


Through the year, opportunities will be provided for Boosting Our Study Skills.  这些BOSS会议的主题是基于学生所要求的科目,这些科目已被证明是学生成功的必要条件.  Some topics include:  Becoming a Successful Student, Getting the Most out of Your Time, 笔记策略, Effectively Communicating with 教师, Getting Through your Textbooks.